Syllabus for

1. Botany
1.1. Genetics
1.2. Virus
1.3. Bacteria
1.4. Algae
1.5. Fungi
1.6. Lichen
1.7. Bryophyta
1.8. Pteridophyta
1.9. Gymnosperm
1.10. Morphology of Angiosperm
1.11. Taxonomy of Angiosperm
1.12. Reproduction in Flowering Plants
1.13. Ecology
1.14. Application of Biology
1.15. Cell Biology
1.16. Cell Division Or Cell Cycle
1.17. The molecules of life
1.18. Enzymes
1.19. Plant Anatomy
1.20. Plant Water Relation And Mineral Nutrition
1.21. Photosynthesis
1.22. Respiration
1.23. Growth And Plant Hormones
1.24. Special Modes of Nutrition
1.25. Plant Diversity
1.26. Plant Movement
2. Zoology
2.1. Classification of Animals
2.2. Phylum Protozoa
2.3. Paramecium
2.4. Plasmodium
2.5. Phylum Porifera
2.6. Phylum Coelentrates
2.7. Phylum Platyhelminthes
2.8. Phylum Nematihrlminthes
2.9. Phylum Annelida
2.10. Earthworm
2.11. Phylum Arthropoda
2.12. Phylum Mollusca
2.13. Echinodermata
2.14. Phylum Chordata
2.15. Origin and Evolution of Life
2.16. Human Evolution
2.17. Animal Behaviour And Animal Adaptation
2.18. Frog
2.19. Rabbit/Man
2.20. Rabbit Bone
2.21. Endocrinology Of Mammals
2.22. Animal Tissues
2.23. Digestive System And Nutrition
2.24. Respiratory System
2.25. Cardiovascular System And Blood
2.26. Nervous System
2.27. Sense Organs
2.28. Reproductive System
2.29. Embryonic Development Of Animals
2.30. Excretory System
2.31. Human diseases and Immuniology